Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Week 3 EOC: My Demographics

I like many of my fellow bloggers and college students am a Millennial child, more commonly known as Generation Y.  As unfortunate as it is to say I do indeed fit its demographic; that of technologically savvy, family centric, achievement oriented, team oriented, and attention craving individuals. Well it would actually be the exact opposite considering that Millennials make up the largest generation to date, consisting of over eighty million young people.  “It could be out with old meeting rooms and in with new social spaces, as Generation Y is set to transform the way we work in the next 10 years”  (Gargiulo)  Our new innovative takes and outlooks on our surroundings have the greatest impact on career paths and work flow procedures in particular. Being that we have come from the age of technology; it’s all we know, and to be honest we don’t know how to live without it. Hence why your reading this on that computer screen in front of you and not on a piece of  paper. It’s the desire to be unique, to stand out, make some noise, and cause a ruckus that seems to be grabbing the world’s attention. The desire we’ve learned to mold it into our passions and from then on our careers. This is why we see numerous successful entrepreneurs emerging from Generation Y such as Mark Zuckerberg and Blake Mycoskie who have created something unheard of which therefore captures the attention of target markets. We have found a new way of generating income, something that is enjoyable to the individual and can last a lifetime, if we play the cards right. So move over Baby boomers and Generation X, cause we are fired up and ready to take the working world by storm!

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